
  • Kings Of Chaos Auto Clicker Free Download
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 14. 02:55

    NEWS!Version 3.37 is the final version of this script. Development has now ended. IMPORTANT!If you upgrade to Firefox 57 you MUST install either Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey to use this script.This script is NOT compatible with Greasemonkey 4. Welcome!This is the 'all in one' script for Kingdoms of Camelot, incorporating the main functions and features of POWERTOOLS, POWERBOT and BATTLE CONSOLE, every tab fully reworked and rewritten.To use this script, you should first disable or remove the above 3 scripts from your browser.Enjoy!Barb. Merlin's Treasure Chest InformationPlease see the following fact sheet regarding the new features:-Additional TabsYou can now write your own tabs! Contact me for details. Tower Alert SoundIf your tower alert no longer sounds, click the default button to reset.

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    (With 170 members, I think Koc News showed how important it is for someone to be able to tell the stories of the game. I'm sure everyone here would like free morale, or free boosts.No one would hate having officers that give them 20 or 30% boosts. Everyone reading this would probably enjoy having a stronger account.I think where the line is drawn though, is in how we obtain these things.Some people are of principle and others are not. Some people believe, stand by, and uphold the inherent rights of others and others trample on whatever they can. They don't stand for, or care about, anything.For some, becoming stronger means others must unfairly become weaker.

    For the majority, we gain on our own, without hurting the people we live, work, and create relationships with.So why all the build up to this point and why such a philosophical beginning to the article?Because this article is in response to the huge problem of cheating and the philosophy behind it of 'I do what I want to get whatever I want', and the people who reap the benefits and hurt the rest while we play fair and hard. How it all startedSo I bring today to the all our readers the story of a person who joined an alliance, found a secret, and was silenced as a result of it.He was offered all the riches in KoC he could have and all the morale he'd like.The cheaters of KoC found out later though that he was a man of principle and he wouldn't allow cheating to taint his account.So how did this all start? A few logs may help to paint the picture:01:56 (Barren) ok01:56 (Barren) i know im not clicking01:56 (Barren) so what the.01:56 (Barren) i got over 2500 morale and i havnt clicked in 2 days01:57 (sogodly) lol.

    Free morale barren01:57 (Barren) whos doing it01:57 (Barren) well which auto clickershould i say is doing it01:57 (sogodly) not my place to say:P i know nothing nothing.01:57 (sogodly) why does it have to be an auto clicker01:57 (sogodly) lol01:58 (Barren) ive told ppl01:58 (Barren) i havent clicked01:58 (Barren) in 2 days01:58 (Barren) thats just freaking blatant lol01:59 (sogodly) well. Maybe be quiet or you will get banned if you keep telling the wrong people01:59 (Barren) yeah well it shouldnt even be happening01:59 (sogodly) your in tfe. I Am Gaining Morale Without ClickingAlright so, 2 days ago i had 57k clicked on CF. The past 2 days I really havent been able to click due to the fact that I was doing school work and real life just has preoccupied me. I never checked my morale because I always assumed it was 0 and that I was growing due to the clicking that a few of my officers have done.Today I looked at the AC bot to see how much in total I clicked and it said this:Barren has clicked a total of 69,324, of which 9271 were done within the last 24 hours.

    The last time Barren clicked was 4 minutes agoI NEVER clicked in the past 2 days. After seeing that I currently had 2500 morale I went to go and check my morale transfer log to see if I had gotten any morale transferred to me, which I had not.I do not cheat, I have not given out my password to anyone.Someone is clicking on my account and has done over 12k in the past day. When I asked about this in a private message with someone in TFE I was told shhh and that it is free morale that I am getting. And then when i said i dont cheat he said that almost everyone in tfe has cheated and thats why most of us were banned last age. I wont post his name just because well I dont want people bitching at him.But yeah basically 12k clicks were clicked on my account by someone else other then me. Logically clicking on my account does nothing for anyone aside my direct commander and myself. Banned from Click stats SiteSoGodly's threat did come true, as far as the banning is concerned.

    Mentality/Morality of Certain PeopleA person's mentality has a direct connection with their ideas of right and wrong(Morality). Here are some logs to show how pervasive and widespread the cheating had gone. The Ban from IrcFinally it all ended as you'd expect, with an attempt to silence Barren, because he had now become a threat to a set of people who would do whatever they could to win, regardless of the cost.04:38 (Barren)!cf barren04:38 (AutomaticCreations) barren has clicked a total of 70,451, of which 10411 were done within the last 24 hours. The last time barren clicked was 1 minutes ago04:40 (Barren)!cf barren04:40 (AutomaticCreations) barren has clicked a total of 70,500, of which 10461 were done within the last 24 hours.

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    The last time barren clicked was 1 minutes ago04:40 (Barren) wow lok at that goes up in 50 batches04:40 (Barren) coincidence huh04:41. xeros is now known as xeros-sleep04:42 (Barren) coincidence huh04:42 (Barren)!cf barren04:42 (AutomaticCreations) barren has clicked a total of 70,500, of which 10461 were done within the last 24 hours. Final ThoughtsIn a bit of good news, things have changed at TFE, and there has been a shake up of members.

    DT officially left and went under MK, and a new leader structure was established at TFE.The only person in this article to be against cheating, besides Barren, is now leading TFE and his name is Sassy Britches. Sassy has gone as far to say that he will kick any cheater he finds in TFE and that TFE is going to play the rest of this age and next legitimately.It seems then that maybe a better time is coming and a bright light stands at the end of the tunnel. But as you can see, cheating has been a big problem for KoC this age and people are doing it with no regrets.It's nice to see that some people still have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in, as we saw with Barren.Most people in the game play it properly and with no unbalancing programs to give them an edge.To those that think they can do whatever they want and ruin the game for the rest of us, a simple message is left for them:Your time will come, and eventually you'll feel the ban hammer. That and be disgraced by everyone who knew you. Lol yea just to drive the point home again, Ishane(carlos) is a former officer of Shane who added his commanders name.

    So they are not the same person and not to be confused lol. I personally also would be worried about accidentally being confused with carlos as well:DI also have to admit that Shane's strategy of early Sentry hoarding and building that strong TFF was a very very good one and I think he could have been a real contender for the top 2 spots.I'm also worried that now anyone in KoC can be banned simply if someone makes 2 fake accounts that have Auto clicking bots under them. How would anyone even know that was going on anyways?So i hope that issue is addressed by the admins. If it isn't someone might just decide to put some AC accounts under TGF or Prodigy and get them both banned.In my opinion the best course of action would be to just ban those AC accounts and let the commanders continue the age on, so innocent people didn't suffer as a result of the rule.It's either that or anyone reading this article could have 2 fake officers join them and become banned tomorrow for the same rule, and for the same reasons; something which seems unfair to me.

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    The final terms of an age long peace were negotiated two days ago.With it comes benefits for both sides as DT can focus more aggressively on LaCN and FF can recoup some of the costs of the war.But there is one lone person still sabbing that represents an entire Alliance all by himself known as BL or (literally there are no other members that are not in DT/DH).That person would be, aka Carlos on Irc.Btw since when did it take 1 person to be called an alliance? Usually if your alliance is down to only 1 active member, isn't the alliance dead?. Excuse #1 ApologySo anyways why is he still warring?His original reason was that he wasn't given an apology.The apology would have been for being approved without FF leader/Mods being informed.So he felt originally, that one guy randomly approved him, just out of spite.I had a convo with him about this though, after he found out that I was the one that moved his approval to accepted. So on the 16th of June he asked me about the situation and learned the truth:15:19 (Truewind) I don't mind apologizing, but nothing was done wrong lmao15:20 (Truewind) unless you have logs of this allegation15:20 (Truewind) lol15:20 (Carlos) if you want i wll give you the text15:20 (Truewind) sure, what's the allegation btw15:20 (Carlos) and you will post that15:20 (Truewind) wait. Final ThoughtsIshane has a personal RL beef with the FF member BP, that extends beyond the game, and for that he is sabbing FF.No more, no less.DT/DH on the other hand were very reasonable and have already made peace with us.I thank them for their time on IRC negotiating the final terms and being fair and honest.To all our readers, look forward to our next posts, which includes insights into the DT/DH war chain straight from the members themselves and a possible analysis about the RF/MK war.

    UPDATE June 25th:I was sent a PM by Ishane carlos in-game and this was his latest about this situation:15:40:29 ff has been sabbed for a total of: 100,078,125,000 gold by CarlosSince im such a nice guy, I think we could easily end this now.My only demand is that im allowed to sab BP and truewind and they cant ask FF for help, just 2 vs 1. You have 24h to give me an official answer FF.My official response:Carlos pmed me this link, which is good because i wasn't planning on coming back here after my final posts.As for the issue at hand, again, FF won't abandon it's members, regardless of how many times you ask it to.Isn't that what an alliance is for?

    People working together to protect one another?There is no way any majority of Leaders/Mods in FF would accept that kind of deal.We already took you off the sab list, and we told you it was over. You decided to keep your beef going with BP, a beef you're taking way too seriously.Stop assaulting our members and we stop defending ourselves. It's as simple as that. No more no less.TruewindThat's not much to ask for right?

    An end to hostilities against all our members in return for peace.How much do you want to bet that this is so personal to him he keeps warring? LolAny takers?:D:).

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